Saturday, January 31, 2009
Short Stories
well, its the last day of january. and boy, the weather has been out of control. yesterday was 45.1 degrees!! (113.18F) public transport was free and i thank all the bus/train/tram drivers for their effort. all this week its been in the fortys -.- uggh my whole family slept in the living room (coolest room).
anyway, i should stop complaining. i have decided writing howler is going to be (almost) impossible, so im going to write short stories to get me ready :) i havnt got any major ideas yet, so maybe you guys could help me out? and when im done, ill post them here or make a link to it or something so you can read it. hmmm.
4 days till school starts D:
yeah i know. terrifying.
(R.I.P Darcey Freeman. May you sleep well princess)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
heat wave
the forecast for this week follows, today 38. the next three days, 40+. day after that, 39. continuous the whole week. this is the hottest week in a century. tennis may be postponed because of the weather.
jeez you dont say. whats up with this damn weather?! i wont say global warming cause theres too much conspiracy and i hate heated discussions. lol i said heated. very appropiate i think. anyway, this is why i dislike summer. its too damn hot and we have the highest chance of skin cancer or something like that. my feet are hot now :( how am i gonna sleep in this heat?! i have to buy my school stuff too and its gonna be so hot cause my friend and i have to go during one of the 40 days. ughh its too harsh. and school starts at 10 and its gonna be hot and i cant let my friend go on the bus alone and *cries* hot weather makes me moody.
on another note, im reading bleach. right now there sure is alot of fighting. oh, and even though i hate it, theres a dragonball Z movie and its with real people. i think it has lucy liu but it was blurry and i was concerntrating on hearing what they were saying. i wonder if they have that fat pink guy in the movie. they made the green dude.
bleach. in school. (the one on the right is the main character, Ichigo)
anyway, thats it for todays blog. gonna get something to drink. and if anyone knows any way to keep cool (dont say fan/air con/pool/beach) please tell me.
Monday, January 26, 2009
well, i know that some (all?) of my followers arn't in Australia, but i am so thats good enough. so, happy aus day to me and anyone else. i wont be doing anything cause im too lazy. but, i will post a pic from kookalamunga (sp?) or the cott blog. even though they're in canada, they made this for their fans :)
oh crap. i forgot. its on the other computer. jeez now what am i gonna put up? hmm, maybe an australian flag. yea. ok, found some pics on google.
what we crazy australians do for our day (and every other day)
we fly our flag proudly for our country
happy australia day, where ever you are in the world :)
lol. just had to put that in.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
the impossible + my own pic ^-^
... i have been assigned the hardest job of them all. clean my room and get ready for school. yea, not that bad you think, but this is a pic of my room :
yes. that is the den of a14 and a half year old student. as you can see in the top left, there is a huge pile of junk on my desk and there are about 10 books on my chair, so i have nowhere to sit bar the floor (even thats a tight squeeze) and my bed. but in the bottom left, you can see my bed is also full of junk. i have tripped and scratched myself quite a few times yet, i enjoy it this way. even though i can hardly find anything. but i willbe scolded for not trying so wish me luck.
oh, and i drew a pic yesterday. i cant use the scanner cause i cant be bothered and also cause i have no idea if its connected or not so i took a photo with my phone. it was originally supposed to be kiri, but i made her hair too dark and it didnt look right so now its a cross between kiri and me :)
its a bit dark, but you can still see. maybe ill get a better shot later. or i might outline it. oh, and on wednesday (early start post) my friend ordered a babychino and it was hilarious. i took a pic of that too (we must of gotten weird looks from the staff and customers)
my iced chocolate (i could't finish it. too rich)
lol babychino smiley :)
i dunno when my mum will be back so i must now tackle the junkyard and hope that i don't get too distracted. last time it took me 7 hours cause i kept doing other things. ... i can hear the ice cream van. damn jingle. always mocks me whenever i have to clean my room -.-
Friday, January 23, 2009
cyanide and happiness
gotta love those guys.
(it doesnt show the whole thing cause who knows why. just click for full one)
Cyanide & Happiness @
if you dont know what it is, its a daily comic. hilarious stuff.
clearing up something
ok, so people have been saying great things about my supposed drawings. to clear things up, I DID NOT DRAW THEM. they're from a manga (japanese comic thing) and ive just edited the sections i liked. but im glad you guys like the pictures and my writing, so i'll continue doing what i do (its not copywright if i crop and edit a pic right?) and ill upload some of my own drawings too. when i can be bothered.
but anyway, now thats done, i can write about the stuff i do and the things i think. like last night, i had a dream and it was awsum. kei was there, even though his a cartoon, he was like, alive but his hair was a different colour and his locker was under mine but i cant seem to remember his face i remember his smell though... (how can i remember a dreamt smell?) and then he gave me his visor. haha i was so happy. then there was that balloon full of water that kept bouncing and expanding into a giant water balloon elephant or something.
then somehow i woke up because i had to adjust my pillow. and it was 6:30 in the morning. and my nocturnal dog kept barking.
oh, and i found my phone cord ^-^ hmm, i dunno if itll show, but ill put some photos of my art here.
Delilah, my character for Storm Hawks (also the name of the main character in Howler)
^-^ cheetah
Natu and Xatu (pokemon)
Eeveeloution (more pokemon)
my claywork in a gallery (they spelt my name wrong, but thats alright.) its calle drought bones
so yeah. i wish i could draw like those pics ive been putting up for comic relief but it'll be a while until can master that type of drawing.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
gigantic cherries
as from the title, have a bag of these huge cherries. how huge? umm, oh damn i ate it. ok, so its a lil smaller than a powerade screw top lid. which is pretty big for a cherry!! tastes good too X]
made a new qoute today. it aint actually finalised, but it goes sumthin like this: life is like climbing a staircase. sometimes you need to carry a heavy load up and sometimes you have to use the hand rail. but even thought you'll fall down once in a while, you'll get there in the end.
um, ok so the handrail is like support so you might need to rely on friends and family to support you, and the heavy load will be like something hard that you have to do on your own. and falling down (or up. yes, its possible. ive done it before.) is, well, i dunno. but people fall down stairs at least once in their life, right?
it was really windy today. had to collect my school books. and my friends dad fixed our rose tree (?) that fell down. woke me up at 10:30 just to give me peaches. or nectarines. i dunno. read beauty pop again :) coz i can, ill put some pics here.
lmao!! kei made the carrot occhi.
kiri's self portrait.
still eating, kei?
hmm, dunno what else to say. i shall start drawing heavily now so sooner or later ill post pics of em up here ^.^ oh, and mum said she'd get me an at-home tutor.sounds like fun! cept for the part about studying.
now its getting hot. but im writing howler so at least im getting somewhere now.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
ITS FOUND!! HAHAHA!!! you know where it was? where i usually put it. i mean, i checked there last time but it wasnt there. it was while i was rushing to get ready. we never saw Bolt, but i did buy beauty pop which really surprised me. i mean, i didnt think it would be there, but i saw it and i was like, OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!! yes, powerade does make me excited. which makes me write in CAPS. haha. i read it just before. now i can draw the characters without having to refer to my phone (now, the cord. must find that) or the laptop.
29 degrees my arse. i dunno how hot it is now, but let me tell you, it aint bloody 29. haha just read a article in the newspaper about how a Bubble O'Bill (ice cream with gum nose) made a guy get an alchol reading when he didn't even drink. the court even made him buy one across the road to test it out. really like that ice cream. tastes good.
aha, more funny stuff. ok, these are anagrams of words
astronomer - moon starer
desperation - a rope ends it
the eyes - they see
slot machines - cash lost in me
election results - lies, lets recount
mother-in-law - woman hitler
lol good times. oh, and i met Emmas friend in person for the first time. i think i left a good impression. except for the jacob part. but i like emmett the best. im talking about twilight by the way.
anyway, thats it for todays post :) i think its the last. i might write more later. write. howler. crap. should write more of that. blurb. jeez novels are so hard to write in action.
where hast thou camera gone??
still looking for my camera. and my phone cord for the comp. i know its somewhere on my desk. or in my room. under the piles of junk.
trust me to lose these important things.
days gone by without camera: 5.
(how i feel about that)
Early start >.<
woke up at 4:30 today. really weird seeing as i usually wak up at 10. maybe it was the fact i fell asleep at 7. going to see Bolt today with my friend Emma. i hope i dont miss the bus for the third time in a row. but she checked the times so we'll fine. probably.
dreamt about fairy tail (i think) and beauty pop. mainly kei. he's so adorable i wanna eat him ^_^ but that would be cannibalism and seeing how much food kei eats, it would be weird. went for a bike ride today. damn weather is too hot. but its only supposed to be 29 today. i read more of beauty pop. jeez i love it. they should make an anime of it.
i wonder what kiri is thinking of that weird face. and those ducks.
lastly, i should put a pic of natsu from fairy tail at his finest. ok, they're thinking about what saggitarius (sp?) looks like. gray thinks its a guy in a horse suit or sumthin. maybe the top half of a horse, with human legs. lucy says its the top half of a human, with horsey legs. and natsu, um, i have no idea what he's thinking. turns out gray was right. it was a man in a horse suit.

how the hell did you get that idea?!
well im off :) i hope someone comments soon.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
First blog

aha! a blog. i have a blog. hmm, what should i say? well, before i relised narumi, kiri, occhi (or whatever his name is) and kei all end in 'I'. blog reminds me of blurb, which i should write for howler. i alread have ideas for the rest of the books. should i do 3 books or four? it was gonna be three, but somehow i changed my mind. i am currently reading beauty pop again. *sigh* why does it have to end? well, as i say, good things come to an end so that new good things can start. i should put a pic of beauty pop here. thats the Scissors Project team ^.^. left to right, Iori(hey, his name ends in I too :P), Narumi, Kiri, Kei, Occhi and Ken. oh, and that cat ear under Kei is Shampoo's. if i had a cat like that i would call it shampoo.
damn, its like, 39 freaking degrees at the mo. like jeez. and i was gonna ride my bike today. well, im in my not so hot room so tis fine. i wonder what people write in their blogs. maybe i should look around.. i wonder who will comment first? seems like fun having a blog. Kei has one and thats hilarious but its on a different site and he hasnt been on it since '07. well, im off :)
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