woke up at 4:30 today. really weird seeing as i usually wak up at 10. maybe it was the fact i fell asleep at 7. going to see Bolt today with my friend Emma. i hope i dont miss the bus for the third time in a row. but she checked the times so we'll fine. probably.
dreamt about fairy tail (i think) and beauty pop. mainly kei. he's so adorable i wanna eat him ^_^ but that would be cannibalism and seeing how much food kei eats, it would be weird. went for a bike ride today. damn weather is too hot. but its only supposed to be 29 today. i read more of beauty pop. jeez i love it. they should make an anime of it.
i wonder what kiri is thinking of that weird face. and those ducks.
lastly, i should put a pic of natsu from fairy tail at his finest. ok, they're thinking about what saggitarius (sp?) looks like. gray thinks its a guy in a horse suit or sumthin. maybe the top half of a horse, with human legs. lucy says its the top half of a human, with horsey legs. and natsu, um, i have no idea what he's thinking. turns out gray was right. it was a man in a horse suit.

how the hell did you get that idea?!
well im off :) i hope someone comments soon.
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