Sunday, April 5, 2009

new drawings!!!! (finally)

harr di harr i worked out how to save the pics from the scanner!!! [damn the BSoD for disrupting my post] took me a while but yay. i only scanned 3 though cause well, i start something and never finish. i mean, i have one page left in my visual diary! and thats 120 pages!! but some are junk or i tore a couple out. anyway, here they are. oh, and ill post howler tomorrow. i feel like changing it.

vaughn's softer side :P did it last night at 12. seems i get all my inspiration at that time. thats my HM pic. vaughn is a tough guy who doesnt talk to anyone (he says to me: dont talk to me. your distracting.) and is the animal handler.

my diary doesnt fit in the scanner so the top got chopped off. first piece in my book that was all pencil.

this was the second. updated version from the one in one of my older posts.

yeah. well thats all i gotta say i guess. daylight savings gives me a damn headache. and there was a kookaburra on my balcony today :) i was walking to the comp and i looked at it and it looked at me and it was like, woah. ok now im done.


  1. Thank you angiee. I must say, your story and drawings are great. My daughter read "Howler" and she was plastered to the screen. She loved it and couldn't wait for the second part. Well done!
